Elsenham Park is a redevelopment of almost 49 acres within the picturesque village of Elsenham itself.

The first project that M. Anderson Construction Ltd secured with Bloor Homes, it will bring 350 new homes to the area surrounded by mature trees and includes the provision of a primary school with early years setting, sports pitches and pavilion building.

Further community benefits include extensive landscaping to provide large open spaces, footpaths, and a pedestrian link to nearby Elsenham Railway Station.

M. Anderson Construction Ltd has delivered groundworks to the whole site and taken on the role of principal contractor.

Significant S278 works to the site entrance and surrounding footpaths have been undertaken, including improvements to signage, lighting, bus stops and drainage.

A topsoil strip of 36,700 m3 was carried out with extensive cut and fill with 94,000 m3 of soil moved. Any excess site-won topsoil was given to private gardens and public open spaces.

In addition, the team has been responsible for surface and foul water drainage to roads, construction of a pumping station chamber and rising main-associated washout and air release chambers which were incorporated alongside off-site foul water drainage on Henham Road.

The formation of three large capacity attenuation basins and link swales to discharge surface water back into the existing site ditch network was added with water management features which avoid compromising the existing ditches and causing flooding locally.

Groundworks have included 2,700m of road, both tarmac and block paved, 3,100m of footways, cycleways and informal paths, 216m of garden and retaining walls and 25,226m of domestic drainage with 1,484 manholes.

M. Anderson has also undertaken all work on patios and traditional strip foundations totaling 5,150m3 of concrete.

Site Manager for this project is Rob Deans.




Affordable homes




Team from M. Anderson Construction Ltd